On May 17, 2014, 89 thyroid cancer kids were found among Fukushima kids! On the following day, Prime Minister Abe was reported to have visited Fukushima Medical University on NHK, which had never touched upon this number! (50 confirmed and 39 suspected who should go through operation anyway and most of them would get confirmed.)
In the morning of May 20 finally, NHK reported ONLY on the Web news, which made unthinkable mistake, saying, "89 susupected cases of thyroid cancer" instead of "50 confirmed and 39 suspected cases." No other media has reported this way...
As in the case of Comfort Women's Program in 2001 where Mr. Abe put some pressure to eliminate the testimonies by the persecutors, Prime Minister Abe and NHK are hiding the most inconvinient truth from the public!
Mr. Sudo pressured to step down from NHK Management Commission Chief by taking the position of outside director of Tokyo Electric Power Company.
However, he was assigned as the Chariman of TEPCO in 2014!!! Isn't it a biased position taking that the former NHK management chief is now the chairman of TEPCO???
However, he was assigned as the Chariman of TEPCO in 2014!!! Isn't it a biased position taking that the former NHK management chief is now the chairman of TEPCO???
Japanese public TV station is committing a crime against humanity. Please read my 10 questions and then you will know!!!

〒150-8001 NHK放送センター
On March 15, from 10 to 11 am, 1100Bq of 14 radionuclides were detected real time. The total amount of radioactive iodine was more than 9 times than Cesium 137, the total of 14 radionuclides were more than 18 times than Cesium 137. Why hasn't NHK broadcasted this important data?http://www.metro.tokyo.jp/INET/CHOUSA/2011/12/DATA/60lcq104.pdf
Even in the program"Initial Radiation Exposure Not Recorded~Seeking the vanished Iodine 131 " NHK did not report on this very concrete figure in Bq. Why?
2.福島県郡山市の住民が子供たちの集団疎開を求めている裁判http://fukusima-sokai.blogspot.jp/で、4月25日、仙台高裁が、危険性を認めながら棄却をしました。このふくしま集団疎開裁判について、AP通信、ニューヨークタイムズ、ワシントンポスト、ABCニュース (米国三大テレビ局の1つ)、FOXニュースが一斉に報道しているのに、なぜこのトップニュースをNHKは報道しないのですか?
On April 25, Sendai High Court, though they acknowledged the danger from radiation exposure, dismissed the case of Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial http://fukusima-sokai.blogspot.jp/
in which plaintiffs in Kooriyama City demanded the collective relocation of children by the government. As for this dismissal, AP, New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, FOX news immediately reported. Why doesn't NHK broadcast this top news?
NHK did not give any report (aside from Fukushima local NHK branch) on 36% thyroid abnormalities in the beginning of 2012, the first thyroid cancer kid case in September 2012 and 3 cancers and 7 suspected case (out of 38000, which is 13 times to 44 times higher compared to before the accident) in February 2013. Why is this? Meanwhile, you are broadcasting a lot of success stories of celebrities. You don't care about non-famous children's sickness? Or are you intentionally hiding this most inconvenient news for pro-nuke government?
There have been many programs which encourage people to return to Fukushima. Some show sports festival, strawberry picking, Fukushima octopus tasting, etc, which totally ignores potential health hazards on children. Official records of radiation level before the accident is only 0.038 micro Sv/h in Fukushima (now it ranges nearly 0.1 to dozens of micro Sv/h) and the food cesium concentration level is less than 1 Bq/kg. Don't you think it is a criminal act to leave children and pregnant women in contaminated areas? Also, what is the reason that NHK broadcast ETHOS program, where people who decide to stay or cannot evacuate are being used for low level radiation human experiments, ONLY IN FUKUSHIMA and not nationwide?
In NHK program Asaichi, there was a program to measure the whole meal in different areas in Japan and concluded that the meals in Tokyo had more cesium compared to ones in Fukushima. Isn't this strange? Also, there was a program titled, "how to cure dislikes of mushroom among children" showing various mushroom cooking for children's favor with French chef. There are also programs using Pacific Ocean fish or Fukushima river fish recommended to reporters in NHK program, though high concentration of cesium is detected among fish and Sr 90 is not even measured. NHK also encouraged the incineration of contaminated debris nationwide under the name of Kizuna (bonds of people). Does NHK intend to spread the radioactive contamination both in environment and human bodies so that the damages in Fukushima could seem to be mitigated in the epidemiological studies?
Mr. Kenji Okoshi, the NHK 9 o'clock newscaster said, "Japan has been protected under the nuclear umbrella of the US," before reporting about Japan's refusal to sign NPT. Don't you think this is not a fact cosidering that the US had dropped 2 nuclear bombs in Japan resulting in hundreds of thousands people still sufferening from the aftereffects of radiation, and that the US had promoted the introduction of nuclear power to Japan, an earthquake prone country under CIA strategy to suppres anti-nuclear sentiment? Now because of this peaceful of atom, people in East Japan have been suffering tremendously including health damages. In addition, on September 15, 2011, after the interview of the former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, who did introduced the first nuclear power budget to the Diet, Ms. Asahi Inoue in NHK News 9 commented, "Mr. Nakasone is already 93 and he has an air of dignified presence." Responding to this, Mr. Okoshi said, "Yes, Mr. Nakasone has been always leading the state as a politician." Don't they feel ashamed what they have said?
Since more than 10 years ago, I have been working on TV people to make programs of nuclear and earthquake issues and in 2002, NHK Nagoya director approved of making of a program so I sent numerous materials to him, but he came to my house apologizing that he would not be able to make such program. In 2009, another director who promosed me verbally to make several programs on nuclear and earthquake issues and also on Monju Nishimura Case bluntally rejected his own proposals after collecting my information. Why did these things happen? In 2011 after the accident, a director in Close-Up Gendai interviewd me on the phone and I asked her to make program to give warning to the viewers and she agreed what I was saying but she came up with totally opposite program showing that Japan's food safety standard is neutral. Why? (Please see the details in http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/x-sins-of-japanese-media.html)
8. 2012年5月に、NHK経営委員長でありながら、東電社外取締役になろうとしていた、数土文夫氏に抗議が殺到し、NHK経営委員長を辞任表明しましたが、東電社外取締役には結局なっています。また、同年、11月30日に総務省が公開した2011年の政治資金収支報告書(中央分)をマスコミ各社が調査して判明したところによれば、数土氏が、民主党の安住淳議員(国会対策委員長:当時)、古川元久議員(内閣府特命大臣:当時)、石原伸晃議員(自民党幹事長:当時)にNHK在任中に献金をしていた!というスキャンダルも発覚しています。これに対し、改めてNHKとして謝罪コメントはないのですか?また、このような人物が今も東電社外取締役であることは、問題ではないですか?また、元NHK経営委員長が今も東電社外取締役にいることは、NHKに何らかの影響やつながりも今もあると考えられ、数土氏は東電社外取締役も遠慮するのが本来なのではないのですか?
In May 2012, when Mr. Fumio Sudo, the then NHK Management Committee Chief was trying to become an outside director of Tokyo Electric Company, lots of criticism went to NHK and Mr. Sudo eventually quit NHK and became the outside director of TEPCO. Later, Mr. Sudo was revealed to have given political donation to MP Jun Azumi (DPJ, the then Diet Affairs Committee Chairman), MP Motohisa Furukawa (DPJ, the then Cabinet Office Specially Appointed Minister) , MP Nobuteru Ishihara (LDP the then Chief Secretary General). Regarding this scandal, does NHK have any intention to make a formal apology? In addition, isn't it problematic that a person like Mr. Sudo, who still might have influence or personal connection with NHK as the former Management Committee Chief, to stay in the position as outside director of TEPCO?
When the Ohi Nuclear Reactor 3&4 Provisional Injunction Trial was dismissed in April 2013, NHK almost never broadcasted on this as a major news. Ohi nuclear power plant has strangely been under operation in spite of the fact that the active fault controversies are still going on and issues of Tsunami and safe insertion of control rods etc have been still under discussion. In another word, a second Fukushima nuclear accident could take place at any time in this region. Why does NHK avoid broadcasthing this grave issue?
When the Ohi Nuclear Reactor 3&4 Provisional Injunction Trial was dismissed in April 2013, NHK almost never broadcasted on this as a major news. Ohi nuclear power plant has strangely been under operation in spite of the fact that the active fault controversies are still going on and issues of Tsunami and safe insertion of control rods etc have been still under discussion. In another word, a second Fukushima nuclear accident could take place at any time in this region. Why does NHK avoid broadcasthing this grave issue?
10.日刊現代2012年10月25日記事によれば、「総務省は昨年11月の復興補正予算に「海外への情報発信強化」の名目で、8億1000万円を計上した。復興の状況を各国に伝え、風評被害の拡大を防ぐというのが狙いだ。 総務省はこのうち4億4000万円を、復興をテーマにした30分番組の制作費や多言語化、NHK国際放送を通じての放送費用にあてた。 ・・・総務省は「『NHK』や『子会社』にいくら支払ったのかはお答えできません」と言うが、復興予算の使い道はすべてを明らかにすべきだ。」とあります。国民から受信料を受け取っているNHKが復興予算を使うなどとは驚きました。まず被災者が生活苦で苦しむ中、それ自体がおかしなことであり、また、少なくとも上記における金額と内訳を公表すべきではないですか?また「風評被害」とは、この場合、具体的に何を指すのでしょうか?
According to the article of October 25, 2012, "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications included the earthquake recovery supplementary budget of 810 million yen under the name of strengthening of information dissemination to overseas, aiming for conveying the status quo and preventing the spread of harmful rumors. Out of this budget, the Ministry allocated 440million yen to NHK broadcasting fee through NHK international making 30minute programs in different languages with the theme of recovery.....The Ministry cannot answer the exact amount to NHK and its subsidiary companies." I was very surprised to hear that NHK, which collects money from households also used the recovery budget. I think this is quite strange that NHK has received recovery budget while disaster victims are still suffering, and also it is NHK's duty to open up the breakdown of the allocated 440 million yen in precise manner. Also, would you elaborate what exactly, "harmful rumors" mean?
「平成22年度 財産目録、貸借対照表、損益計算書、資本等変動計算書及びキャッシュ・フロー計算書に関する説明書」によると、NHKは総額900億円超の事業債を保有している。
According to the Nikkan Gendai dated on August 18, 2011;
NHK owns more than 90 billion yen industrial bonds, out of which the top 5 are as follows; Tokyo Electric Power (23 bonds/14.5 billion yen), Chubu Electric Power (9 bonds/6.8 billion yen), Kansai Electric Power (12 bonds, 6.5 billion yen), Chubu Electric Power (10 bonds/5.1 billion yen), Tohoku Electric Power (7 bonds/4.5 billion yen) (Source: NHK 2010 Financial documents on assets, balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in net assets, and cash flow statement)
NHK is a public TV station with its financial income from viewers' fee. Isn't it inadequate that NHK has been doing fund management with industrial bonds of electric companies? In the first place, shouldn't NHK have decreased the viewers' fee for the amount of excess fund instead of buying industrial bonds? Also, it seems that NHK isn't supposed to make any investment on private corporations given that there is no stipulation regarding purchace of corporate bonds in the Broadcast Law Chapter 3 Caluse 2 Article 19, and there is a stipulation on the investment to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Can you comment on this?
NHK経営委員の給与について、月に二回の会議出席でこれだけあるのは、いささか高いのではないのですか?また、こちらのページに以下のおかしな発言が記録されています。「今の若者に徴兵制はだめとしても、徴農制とか、徴林制とか漁村に行けとか、そういう法律で、テレビの番組も何時から何時まできちんと見るということにすればいいと思います。この番組を見なければ会社に就職させないとか」真意を教えてください。http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yamame1235/e/9bce225534f296d18ab36a7631061048 …
質問から見られるように、貴社の報道は、社会的責任を果たすことを規定した国際法であるISO 26000 に反しているのではないでしょうか?この点において、調査を求め、国民の命にかかわる問題ですので、なるべく早期に改善策を提示していただきたいと思います。As you can see from the questions above, I am afraid that your news reports may violate ISO 26000, international regulation which stipulates corporate responsibilities. I would ask you to investigate on this matter and show some remedial measures as early as possible since lives of people are at stake in Japan.