Updated on 2014 Dec 14
Dear foreign journalists, activists, bloggers: Please DO cover fraud election with MUSASHI-vote counting company! PM Abe is a major stockholder of MUSASHI and Vice PM Aso's family company conducts exit polls. MUSASHI's stock price hiked in the middle of November and insider trading is suspected. http://fukushimaworkerslist.blogspot.jp/…/pm-abe-owns-many-…
2014年12月13日(総選挙の前日)追記 Updated on Dec 13 (a day before the election date), 2014
Q8:It was quite shocking to hear that Prime Minister Abe is a major stock holder of MUSASHI, the vote counting company which also contributes donation to Liberal Democratic Party. Isn't it a fundamental problem that a Prime Minister owns stocks of vote counting firm which is the donator to the fuling party?
Given this situation, isn't it necessary to retain all the ballot sheets and recount the votes manufally to confirm fair counting? http://fukushimaworkerslist.blogspot.jp/2014/12/pm-abe-owns-many-stocks-of-musashi-vote.html
Q9: Prime Minister Abe had visited Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, the thyroid cancer surgeon at Fukushima Medical University. At this time, Dr. Suzuki have already conducted approximately 50 thyroid cancer kids' surgeries and commented that many kids had lymph nodes metastasis and some even with lung metastasis. Though you should have known this grave fact, why did you just ignore this grave issue? Around the same period, you were saying that nose-bleeding expressed in the comic book "Oishinbo" is just a groudless rumor. Aren't you hiding the health hazards observed among Fukushima residents?http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2014/06/most-thyroid-cancer-kids-had-metastasis.html
質問10 安倍政権では残念ながら金銭スキャンダルで辞任された大臣もいらっしゃいましたが、安倍氏自身も週刊現代において2007年から「3億円の脱税疑惑」が取りざたされております。また最近もNHKプロデューサーからの献金について記載偽証の件で刑事告発を受けていらっしゃいますが、総理ご自身のこれらの不祥事については説明されないのでしょうか?
Q10 During the Abe regime, there were some Ministers who stepped down from their office due to political donation scandals. However, weekly magazine, Shukan Gendai covered the 300 million yen tax evasion scandal on Prime Minister Abe in 2007. Also this year, Prime Minister Abe is criminally accused for false records on his political donation from NHK TV producer. Why is there no explanations of Prime Minister's own scandals?
1 In 2006, when Mr. Hidekatsu Yoshii, a member of Parliament asked in the Diet to the then Prime Minister Abe regarding the possibility of nuclear power plant's station blackout to be caused by Tsunami, PM Abe answered, "There is no such possibility." In regard to the actual station blackout and consequentive hazards brought by Fukushima nuclear accident, do you have any intention to make any formal apology and take some responsibility regarding this 2006 statement?
2. You were the Prime Minister when 2007 Niigata Chuetsu Oki Earthquake occured which caused the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear plant accident. As for Kashiwazaki-kariwa, active faults were found even before the construction of the plant. http://takenouchimari.blogspot.jp/2013/04/please-stop-insane-japan-from-nuke.html
However, Tokyo Electric Company is trying to restart Kashiwazaki-Kariwa. Don't you think this is an unacceptable situation?
3. I heard form the former Swiss Ambassador Mr. Mitsuhei Murata that Mr. Murata and former UN staff Mr. Akio Matsumura asked you to relocate children from contaminated areas in the autumn of 2012, and you did not give much response. Children are the future of Japan itself. Why were you not responding?
4.現在、福島県では、子供の甲状腺がんおよび疑いが、2次検査が半数にも満たないにもかかわらず、17万人中27名も見つかっており、これは少なくとも従来の甲状腺がんの発生率の数十倍に当たります。www.pref.fukushima.jp/imu/kenkoukanr/250605siryou2.pdf… (11ページの③)
4. Currently, already 27 child thyroid cancer patients were found out of 170,000 in Fukushima although more than half have not gone through the 2nd examination. This ratio already shows dozens of times more at least compared to before. www.pref.fukushima.jp/imu/kenkoukanr/250605siryou2.pdf… (Chart ③ in page 11)
What do you think of this most important issue? And why haven't you taken this issue up until now?
5. In the first place, the nuclear budget was introduced the then Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone (Liberal Democratic Party) and the first nuclear power plant was introduced to Tokai village under the regime of Mr. Nobusuke Kishi (LDP), the then Prime Minister and the grandfather of current Prime Minister Abe (LDP). Don't you think LDP should take more responsibility to have contaminated this beautiful nation? (i.e. "A beautiful nation" is the phrase Mr. Abe often uses.)
Now the restart of nuclear power plant is planned and disaster drills are being conducted in various areas, but don't you think it is totally wrong to think of restarting any nuclear power plant which could potentially further contaminate this beautiful nation?
6. Mr. Nobusuke Kishi, your grandfather and the former Prime Minister stated, "It is OK to have a nuclear weapon for self-defence" as early as May 1957. In May 2002, you have also stated, "Even A-bombs are not unconstitutional. If they are small-sized." What do you mean by this?
7. In September 2012, I heard you saying at the Diet session on TV, "I have studied a lot and found out that there was no comfort women. We should not let our children and grandchildren to learn these dishonored Japan. We need to disregard Kono Talk." What do you mean by this?
Also, you have altered your statement on comfort women issues quite often. Can you explain these changes of your statements in the following article? http://peacephilosophy.blogspot.ca/2013/01/abe-shinzo-far-right-denier-of-history.html