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Open questions to Twitter Inc ツイッター社へ~不思議なことにフォロワーが数年間減り続けている私のツイッターについての質問(未解決)

Post script 追記



 Mr. Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter Inc.

ツイッター社CEOのDick Costolo様

Please excuse me for writing this open letter suddenly.


My name is Mari Takenouchi (my twitter account is @mariscontact), and I am a freelance journalist, translator, and a single mother with 4 year old boy.

I have been harassed by countless number of twitter users for more than 2 years for my activities calling for evacuation of Fukushima kids and pregnant women.


Quite sadly, the common points of these harassers are that they downplay the radiation effects in Fukushima and they harass those who worry about Fukushima kids.
Not only on twitter, in the summer of 2012, a strange man approached me and picked up my then 2 year old boy, and I screamed "I will call a police," and he ran away.

Recently, there are even people who disclosed the picture of my neighborhood 。 and who even identified my apartment , which is totally a threat for a single mother like me.


Though many people including me reported these harassers to twitter, these accounts are strangely surviving.  Though I reported the above 2 to the local police, it would take some time for investigation.


Would you please suspend the above two accounts ASAP, since the living of my son and I are being threatened?


Also, I would like to ask the following questions I have been wondering for a long time.

1. Since the fall of 2013, my twitter has been behaving quite strangely as follows.  Would you please check what has been the problem if there are any intruders into my twitter account.


1-a: My follower number gets constantly decreased during weekdays though the secrease gets stopped on the weekends.  Last week (July 21~27), the harasser Nii_Motoharu disclosed my neighborhood photo, and there were many RTs, but my followers were decreased in a constant line except weekends.  There is a strong doubt that some intruder is manipulating my twitter account.
1-a 私のフォロワー数は、営業日にはコンスタントに減り、週末には減少がストップすることがあります。先週(7月21日から27日)、@Nii_Motoharuが私の家の近所の写真をツイッターでアップし、たくさんのRTがなされましたが、私のフォロワー数は週末を除き、直線を描いて減らされていました。

1-b. Multiple number of my followers told me that they were automatically lifted from following my account @mariscontact or they cannot RT my tweets.
1-b 何人もの私のフォロワーが、知らない間に「@maiscontactへのフォローが外されていた」、又は、「@mariscontactのツイートをRTできない」と私に報告してくれました。
1-c My account @mariscontact is frequently automatically logged out. 
1-c 私のアカウントはしょっちゅう自動でログアウトされてしまいます。

2. There are many net harassers in Japan and maybe one of the most prominent ones is @ewa4618 with so many harassing tweets.  Though there are many people reporting this person, he has been surviving. 
On the other hand, @japanwings who has lost his ex-wife for leukemia and has been disseminating important information after Fukushima accident was permanently suspended in December 2013. 
In ewa4618's twilog, @japanwings is the No.1 subject of ewa4618's harassing tweets and I myself @mariscontact is the No. 2.  http://twilog.org/ewa4618 

(I am afraid my account@mariscontact could be suspended soon.)
Why @japanwings, who had been harassed by @ewa4618 got suspended and @ewa4618 is surviving?

Post Script

Someone wrote in the following that a Japanese company is collecting the IP addresses of Mari Takenouchi related tweet followers. 
Anybody who is well versed with technical issue, please let me know...
asyura2.com/14/genpatu36/m…(Japanese only)

私のツイのRT数が非常に少ないし、RTできないという声聞く。なぜか私関連のニュースのツイを拡散しているIPアドレスを収集していると言う株式会社アクト・ティとの関連を指摘している人がいるが、どうなのだろう?私はテクニカルに弱いのでどなたか、わかる方教えて下さい。 asyura2.com/14/genpatu36/m



3 important questions to Ministry of Justice in Japan 7月5日、法務省に3つの質問を送りました

11月18日更新 Updated Nov 18, 2014


Sendai Nuclear Power Plant is to be restarted by the decision of Japanese government, which could be called as a historical decision that ignores the future lives of the people.


Sendai is to be restarted in 2015, but as I wrote in Question 3, it has numerous faults and there was even a whistle blower who confesssed that many changed the sample of boring cores of the site.  (The ground of Sendai NPP is not solid enough so many people exchanged the samples to go ahead with the construction.)


Former professor of Wako University, Mr. Sunao Ogose, a geologist who pointed out this issue, was later criminally accused by a member of Liberal Democratic Party.


I received a letter from Mr. Ogose who is over 90 years old now on November 17, 2014.


Mr. Ogose is deploring the fact that Sendai NPP is to be restarted without these important facts known widely...He also deplores the insufficient effort by anti-nuclear groups!


Dear all, please disseminate the article below!



On August1, there was an answer from Ministry of Justice saying that they cannot answer the questions.




My question to Japan Bar Association was also refused to answer. http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/2014/03/to-jpn-bar-association.html



Please take a look at the 3 very important questions.

1. 福島原発事故を起こした東電幹部や国の責任者などへは、住民が刑事告訴を起こしたにもかかわらず、警察も検察も捜査さえされませんでした。ところが事故前から地震と原発の問題を憂慮してIAEAに単独直訴まで行い、事故後は「福島の子供たちに多数の甲状腺がんや白血病など健康被害が出ているので疎開させよ、エートスは人体実験である」とツイッターで訴えたシングルマザーの私の所には、沖縄まで福島から警察と検察が沖縄まで来て捜査を行い、起訴猶予となりました。海外のメディアもこれを驚くべきニュースとして取り上げています。不公平な司法措置ではないですか?

1. There was no investigation by police/prosecutor on TEPCO executives in spite of criminal accusation by residents.  However, as for me, a single mother who had visited IAEA regarding nuclear and earthquake issue before the Fukushima accident, and called for evacuation of kids saying through twitter, "health hazards such as many thyroid cancer or even leukemia are observed.  ETHOS is a human experiment" was actually investigated by Fukushima police and prosecutor who came all the way to Okinawa.  I eventually got deferred indictment and foreign media took up this case as a shoking news.  Isn't this an unfair judicial treatment?

2. 1996年に起きたもんじゅ西村事件(動燃のナトリウム漏れ事故調査社内担当の西村成生氏が自殺、それを境にマスコミが事故の報道から離れた事件)では、X線写真や医療カルテ、深部体温の記録などより、飛び降り自殺ではなく、他殺であると検死をしたした医師その他の法医学者がご遺族に見解を話しています。ところが担当弁護士の海渡雄一氏は最も大事な自殺・他殺の争点を無視し、刑事事件としてではなく民事事件として扱い、また警察に問い合わせても「弁護士がそのような対応であれば、警察は絶対に動かない」と言います。このような扱いはあり得ないのではないですか?再捜査すべきではないですか

2. In 1996, Monju Nishimura Case took place, in which Mr. Shigeo Nishimura, in-house investigator of Monju Fast Breeder Reactor accident comitted a suicide.  However, X-ray photoes and medical records showed that he did not jump off from the building and instead was killed, which was testified by the doctor in charge along with other forensic doctors.  Surprizingly, the lawyer who was in charge of this incident took the case as civil case in stead of a criminal case, ignoring the high possibility of homicide.  The police says that they would not make any move if the lawyer acted that way.  I am quite shocked at the treatment of this case.  Isn't it necessary to reinvestigate this case?

3. 40年来の反原発の反骨の地質学者であり、1975年12月川内原発建設前に調査に入った元和光大学教授、生越忠氏は、予定地と連なる地層の中に多くの断層や節理を見つけ、原発建設の地盤として不適切であることを指摘したところ、地元の農家の人がボーリングコアをより強度な地層の土とすり替えていたことを内部告発。この件を発表した後、1976年右翼の人物から九州電力への名誉棄損と営業妨害の容疑で刑事告訴され、最高検察庁が受理、その後東京地検に回され、結局は不起訴となったが、生越氏は3度にわたり取り調べを受けたと言います。本来であれば、九州電力が告発されるべき事件であり、反原発の憂慮する住民や学者に対する嫌がらせとしてか思えず、非常に不当な司法措置と考えますが、どうですか?また川内原発が最も再稼働に近いと言われている現在、この事件を再検証する必要があるのではないですか?

3. In December 1975, former Wako University professor Sunao Ogose made a research on the soil of Sendai Nuclear Power Plant premise, and found out countless number of faults and cracks in the same layer of soil, which showed inappropriateness of building a nuclear power plant in that site.  Then a local farmer who worked at the boring core site confessed that he switched the core with firmer soil. After Mr. Ogose announced this whistle blower's statement, he was criminally accused by a LDP related right winger and the Supreme Prosecutors' Office took up the case.  Then the case was taken by Tokyo prosecutors' office and Mr. Ogose was investigated for 3 times and eventully non-indicted.  To begin with, Kyushu Electric Company who ordered switching the cores should be the one to be criminlly accused and what had happened seems to be harassement against anti-nuclear residents and scholars.  Sendai Nuclear power plant is said to be the one which is closest to the restart.  Isn't it necessary to reinvestigate this case?



Sendai Nuclear Power Plant issue is covered in the following of my blog.



Former professor of Wako University, Mr. Sunao Ogose was also criminally accused for revealing the facts of Sendai Nuclear Power Plant scandal (intentious exchange of boring core samples) ! 

 Mr. Sunao Ogose, anti-nuke geologist
He predicted Great Hanshin Earthquake (1995) and supported a lawsuit against the construction of Rokko Liner in Kobe before the earthquake.  He also predicted Niigata-Oki Earthquake which brought more than 3000 damages to Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant.  In 1970s, he gave a warning to Sendai Nuclear Power Plant, which is now decided to be restarted by the government.

Extract and Summary of Mr. Ogose's work, "Document on Development and Pollution Studies, Vol IV" (1982)

Exchange of Boring Core Samples of Sendai Nuclear Power Plant Before the Construction!



"Wierd...so strange...See?  This easily breaks off like this.  The ground here has countless faults and cracks vertically and horizontally like a wooden mosaic work.  The layer here is the same layer as the ground rock foundation of the Sendai nuclear power plant.  However, Kyushu Electric Company talks as if there is no problem..."

This was the word of  a geologist, Mr. Sunao Ogose who was invited to investigate the foundation of Sendai Nuclear Power Plant on December 13, 1975.


Then on the very same day, Mr. Kimio Nakano (farmer in Sendai City, Yoseda Town) exposed that HE HAD EXCHANGED THE BORING CORE SAMPLE OF SENDAI NPP for the subcontractor of Kyushu Electric Company! 


On the following day, the residents held a press conference and this became a major news in local papers.  Kyushu Electric Company tried to deny the fact, but Mr. Nakano refuted as, "I did it and others did it.  As a proof, I polished a left-over borig core and put it as a decorative ornament in my living room."


This issue was discussed in the Committee of Scientific Promotion Measures in the Upper House on November 21, 1977, but Kyushu Electric Company and Tatsuo Yamazaki, a professor of Kyushu University, deluded this serious fact saying, "Even though there was some exchange, there would have been no impact on the decision of NPP construction."


Mr. Ogose Criminally Accused by a Local Right Winger



Regarding the above fact of the whistle blower, I explained I could geologically give proof of the boring core exchange.

Then a local right winger called Mr. Shozo Inoue (so called Fukuda Faction of LDP member) criminally accused me for infringement of trust and obstruction of business against Kyushu Electric Company through the Supreme Prosecutors' Office.

Letter of accusation dated on January 29th, 1976 was filed in Supreme Prosecutors' Office and was forwarded to Tokyo Local Prosecutors' Office, and I was investigated by the prosecutors for 3 times.
(Note: Takenouchi was also criminally accused by ETHOS on the same day of 2014!)


However, I was not disseminating something untrue or infringed the trust of Kyushu Electric intentionally or obstructed its business.

Moreover, the exchange of boring core is an irrefutable fact which was also revealed in the Upper House, so the accusation by Mr. Shozo Inoue was not successful.



However, Mr. Inoue was disseminating the following as contrary to the fact,
"Mr. Ogose explained to the prosecutor that the core exchange was not a fact and admitted that his action was excessive and he had no intention to fight legally with Mr. Inoue."

Furthermore, Mr. Inoue was slandering Mr. Ogose saying, "He is a demagogue scholar who is working for a nameless private university."


Mr. Inoue was also actively involved in election campaign supporting for LDP candidate, but he has the records of arrest and accusation for violating the Election Law. 

He is also dubbed as "The Accuser" since he was known for accusing inconvenient people for LDP with various reasons.  A famous anti-nuclear lecturer, Mr. Sanshiro Kume was also criminally accused by Mr. Inoue.

Crime of Government Sided Scholar: A Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Univeristy Who Tried to Put Crime of Homicide on an Innocent Citizen


Behind the cause of "Seeking for the truth,"pretending that they had been studying for their expertise, there are many scholars who can be just regarded as puppet of the state power sacrificing the truth of the very expertise. 

It has been revealed that there are MANY examples where these scholars sacrifice honest residents and citizens who are struggling for anti-development/pullution/harmful drugs.

In this regard, there is no other way than pursuing the untruth of government-puppet scholars in the struggle of anti-nuclear/pullution/harmful drugs.


I need to emphasize here that especially in 1st grade state-owned universities, there are many government-puppet evil scholars who would even give helping hands to the police and judicial power, driving innocent citizens into false crimes.


The late Mr. Tanemoto Furuhata, a Tokyo Univeristy Professor Emeritus who used to be the dicrector of Science Police Institute is known to be the most evil one until today. 

Having involved in the investigation and scientific judgement on the side of police and the prosecutor in the case of Hirosaki, Shimada, Zaidagawa (they were revealed as false accusation after all), Mr. Furuhata lied that there were evidence of crimes so that innocent citizens were accused as murderers.